This is often a time of considerable lifestyle and financial change, and there will likely be things you’ll want to think about and discuss with others before making decisions.

The value of getting the right advice for you

Getting the right advice for your circumstances can be an invaluable part of planning your financial future. It's an option that many people consider, particularly in the lead up to retirement.

There are many aspects – both inside and outside of super – that an authorised adviser can help you with, including savings and budgeting, property, taxation planning, estate planning, aged care, government entitlements and retirement income.

Getting advice that takes your personal circumstances into account could help you build the foundations for funding your lifestyle when you decide to stop working. It can also help you identify and prepare for any significant events that happen along the way, which may impact your long-term finances.

Other useful resources

The Australian Securities & Investments Commission (ASIC) MoneySmart website has some useful suggestions to consider when it comes to retirement.

    Financial decisions at retirement



    Your money

    Your health

    Wills and powers of attorney

    Retirement income planning

    Income sources in retirement