It's not all about the money – it's also about your ideal retirement lifestyle. There are lots of things to consider that may help you achieve your retirement goals.

Retirement lifestyle


A range of information, resources and tools to help you get the most out of your retirement lifestyle.

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Income sources in retirement


Achieving a regular income in retirement is possible. Here we provide some tips, tools and resources to help you consider your ideal income source(s) after you retire.

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Centrelink and other entitlements


There may be a range of benefits available to you as a retiree or senior, such as travel concessions, cheaper medicines and reduced council and water rates.

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Health and aged care


If you are thinking about or planning for your own aged care or for someone close to you, there are things you need to consider. Have a look through these resources that may help with your planning.

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Estate planning


It’s probably not something you often want to think about, but estate planning plays an important role in protecting the wealth you’ve worked hard to build and ensuring that it is distributed according to your wishes.

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